- The "Autonomous Multi-agent Polymer Fiber Optic Sensor", a key WelCOM project result, features at the Innovation Exhibition at NCSR - National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, which was set up for the official launch of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020”, organized by the GSRT, 10 January 2014, Greece.
- The ATHENA WelCOM team wins the second price at the international competition Prognostics and Health Management 2013 - PHM 2013 Data Challenge. The competition was organized by the PHM Society and the ATHENA results were presented at the annual PHM Conference in New Orleans, USA.
Upcoming Events
IEEE PHM 2014, Spokane, 22-24.06.2014, WA, USA.
WCEAM 2014 - World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, 28-31 October, Pretoria, South Africa.
APMS 2014 - Innovative and Knowledge-based Production in a Global-Local World, IFIP Annual Confenrece on Advances in Production Management Systems, September 20-24 2014, Ajaccio, France.
COMADEM 2014 - Implications of life cycle analysis in asset and maintenance management, 27th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, 16-18 September, Brisbane, Australia.
PHME 2014 - The 2nd European Prognostics and Health Management conference, organised by the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 8-10 July 2014, Nantes, France.
20th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (IEEE ICE) - IEEE TMC Europe Conference, 23-25 June 2014, Bergamo, Italy.
Past Events
Euromaintenance 2014 Congress, 05-08.05.2014.
8th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management & 3rd International Conference on Utility Management & Safety, 30 Oct–1 Nov 2013, Hong Kong.
COMADEM 2013 - Competitiveness Through Maintenance and Asset Management, 11-13 June 2013, Helsinki, Finland.
IFAC MIM 2013 - IFAC Conference on Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control, June 19-21, 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
IEEE PHM 2013, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, 24-27 June 2013, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
2013 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference - PHM 2013, Milan 8-11 September 2013
ETFA 2013 - 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, 10-13 September 2013, Cagliari, Italy.
8th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management & 3rd International Conference on Utility Management & Safety - WCEAM 2013, 30 Oct - 1 Nov 2013, Hong Kong, PR China.
IEEE ICIT 2013 - International Conference on Industrial Technologies, 25-27 February 2013, Cape Town, South Africa.
IFAC A-MEST 2012, IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineeting and Services Technologies, 21-23 November 2012, Seville, Spain.
APMS 2012, the annual conference of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP), WG5.7, Advances in Production Management Ssytems, took place between 24-26 September 2012 in Rhodes, Greece. The APMS 2012 conference programme comprised 36 sessions organized in 4 parallel streams, with several special sessions, including an industry panel session and 7 plenary talks from leading experts from academia and industry. More information at the APMS 2012 conference site. The conference was co-sponsored by the ATHENA Research & Innovation Centre and the Hellenic Maintenance Society.
WCEAM 2012, 7th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, 8-10 October 2012, Daejeon, South Korea
8th Maintenance Forum, 11-13 October 2012, Athens, Greece.
World Manufacturing Forum 2012 - WMF 2012, 16-18 October 2012, Stuttgart, Germany
CM 2012 and MFPT 2012 The Ninth International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies, 12-14/6/2012, London, UK.
COMADEM 2012,The 25th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Managemnt, 18-20/6/2012, Huddersrsfield, UK.
INCOM 2012, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 23-25/5/2012, Bucharest, Romania.
Euromaintenance 2012, 21th International Conference and Exhibition, 14-16/5/2012, Belgrade, Serbia.
ICIT 2012, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 19-21 March 2012, Kos Island, Greece
MPMM 2012, Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management, 12-13 September 2012, Sunderland, UK
The 3rd annual meeting of the project (and also the interim evaluation) took place at ILSP site, Athens on 22-24.01.2014
The 2nd six-monthly WelCOM project meeting took place at Kleemann Lifts manufacturing facilities on 16-17.04.2013.
The 2nd annual meeting of the project took place at Kleemann Lifts manufacturing facilities on 13.12.2012.
The six-monthly WelCOM project meeting was held on 22.05.2012
The annual WelCOM project meeting was held on 08.12.2012